Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bat bite -Interesting info


Yesterday happen to see the bats biting humans in Discovery channel.

The interesting info is that, the saliva of the bats have anticoagulant( a substance which stops blood clotting) and analgesic. So when they bite mostly it will not be felt by the person.

I guess, similar is the case with Leech bite as well.

Did you guys know any other bird, insects like this.



  1. I hv personally experienced quite few Leach bites personally during my trekking. As you said, I never witnessed any pain during the bite, I hv realized that I was a victim only when I removed my shoes.

    Keep writing :)

    PS: Add *tags*(labels) while writing tech blog such as SMS Modem.

  2. Nice blog, keep writing, just one small correction, its "leech" :)
